I am an independent filmmaker, musician and producer with a background in community access media. In late 1989 I co-established Pegasus Networks, a pre-internet service provider throughout Australia, the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. Pegasus Networks provided the means to share information with some of the most marginalised communities in the region.
My work spans the genres of non-fiction film-making, short-format documentary, non-linear radio documentary drama, projected video and sound installations. My films include The Light Show, a history of psychedelic performance lighting in Melbourne, the unusually topical This Choir Sings Carols and Forged from Fire – The Making of the Blacksmiths’ Tree. My first feature Ocean in a Drop – broadband impacts rural India was launched at the Chennai Film Festival in December 2017 and screened on Indian national public television in May 2018.
My work in the media arts is as diverse as it has been challenging. In 2001 my team at Toy Satellite and I were commissioned to produce Undercurrents for the opening of the Taipei International Arts Festival. In 2003 we conceived of and produced D3, one of the first large-scale digital media installations commissioned for Australian Centre for the Moving Image’s opening year.
From 2005 to 2007 I was the inaugural Program Director at Open Channel after which I worked with EngageMedia as their first Operations Manager. Taking up an artists residency at Dunmoochin in 2009 I worked as Creative Producer of Bamiyarra – a mixed media arts program for young people with refugee backgrounds. I have since worked on numerous commissions within community health contexts and his own projects, too numerous to mention.
I have a Master of Arts in Interactive Media, and I am an Adjunct Industry Fellow, Media and Communication, Swinburne University of Technology and an independent member of the Association for Progressive Communications. I live in regional Victoria on the outskirts of Melbourne.
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Photo by Yehezkiel Rinaldi, 2024